Principales publications du projet
12th juin 2019
Traduire: A proposal to extend the Decent Work Agenda and address the current global crisis This declaration aims at providing a set of concrete proposals to help shape the “future we want” for the world of work. It addresses […]
16th mai 2019
Déclaration de Praia Séminaire régional: « L’avenir du Travail, le Travail après Laudato Si et l’emploi des jeunes » Des jeunes originaires des îles du Cap-Vert et de divers pays de la CEDEAO, du Bénin, du Burkina Faso, de Côte […]
11th décembre 2018
Traduire: Shaping the Future of Work: A reflection of the COMECE Social Affairs Commission Shaping the digital as well as the ecological transformation of our economy will be a common challenge for European politics. Both trends will transform the […]
14th novembre 2018
Traduire: Rethinking Labour: Ethical Reflections on the Future of Work The future of work is one of the biggest challenges of our century and an important topic in the Catholic Social Teaching. As Pope Francis stated, “work is more […]
16th avril 2018
Traduire: Summary of the Statement of Commitment and Action The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, the International Labour Organization (ILO), Caritas Internationalis, and the Catholic-inspired organisations working group on decent work, and other religious organisations convened in […]