A dialogue with our partners: Prossy Nambatya ʹMy ambition is to contribute to better conditions of the underprivileged and to advocate for economic and social justiceʹ


A dialogue with our partners: Prossy Nambatya

Prossy is a Programme Officer in the Justice and Peace Department of Uganda Episcopal Conference and Coordinator of the Joint Action Committee on decent work in Uganda (JACODEWU). The Committee she is coordinating is devoted to advocate for decent working conditions especially of those working in the informal economy.


Do you like your job? Why?

Yes I do. My ambition is to contribute to better conditions of the underprivileged and to advocate for economic and social justice.  Advocating for the rights and betterment of the working conditions of the informal workers gives me fulfillment and satisfaction.


Can you tell us about the meeting that took place in Uganda in April 2017 under the motto “Developing a South-South Regional Cooperation for Joint Efforts to Transform Working Conditions”? Which actors were involved?

The meeting was organized by JACODEWU in close partnership with the German Commission for Justice and Peace and the ILO. It was a two-day conference that ran from 26th-27th April 2017. The conference attracted participants from 11 African countries (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Malawi and Zambia) and representatives from the ILO and the German Commission for Justice and Peace who gave to the meeting an international scene.

The participants were from different walks of life including employers, workers, ILO Officers, Academia, informal workers, religious leaders from the Catholic Church, Anglican Church, Orthodox and Muslims, representatives of Catholic-inspired organizations, i.e. Justice and Peace, Caritas, Young Christian Workers, Catholic Workers Movement, Kolping Society, Pax Romana and Movement of Catholic Agriculture and Rural Youth (MIJARC).


How did you establish the link among these actors?

It was through the efforts of the three partners that the links were easily established. The theme of the conference also interested many actors because in reality working conditions attract attention of many, since it touches both workers and employers.


What were the results of the meeting? What are the key challenges for the region?

Critical issues in the world of work were identified and deeply discussed and, a way forward was forged as embedded in the final Statement of commitment and action (see attached) was also generated to guide future actions.

The key challenges facing the region as identified and discussed in the conference included amongst others; changing climatic conditions given the fact that majority of people are involved in agricultural related activities to earn a living, youth underemployment and unemployment, unregulated migration, ineffective implementation of policy frameworks including labour inspection and regulatory instruments, the gap between employment and the education systems, poor governance and moral apathy which creates a moral gap.


What do you do in your free time?

Reading inspirational books and attending to my small business that I ran from home.


What underlying values guided your responses to the previous questions?

Commitment, love for the poor and marginalized, stewardship, professionalism, participation and integrity.


Thank you, Prossy, for your testimony!



Please click on the following link to a press release about the meeting prepared by the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA):
