The Venice Faith and Politics Workshop (19-26 Aug 2018, Venice)

Faith and Politics

The next Venice Faith and Politics Workshop will take place from 19 to 26 August, 2018 and focused on young Europeans aged 20-35 years.

Vision & Mission

Vision: Inspired by the story of Europe and guided by the wisdom of the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola, this week long session is an invitation to explore Christian engagement in public life.

Mission: This session enables young adults from every part of Europe to explore how faith and politics are related. This will empower them to engage, as Europeans, in public service for the common good in a world of contradictions.

Promoting the common good

Public service: justice depends on people who generously respond to a personal call to work with and for others as stewards of creation.

Discernment: service calls for a shared attention to other people’s lives and to the complexity of human motivation.

Hope:  in a world damaged by sin, reconciliation and forgiveness are a source of power.

This meeting is organized by a network of Jesuits and associates throughout Europe, with the support of the following Jesuit centres: Aggiornamenti Sociali (Milan), Centre Avec (Brussels), CERAS (Paris), Cristianisme i Justicia (Barcelona), Centro Pignatelli (Saragossa), Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice (Dublin), Jesuit European Social Centre (Brussels) and Lasalle Haus (Zurich).


For more information, please visit the official web page of the Workshop:  and for further enquiries please contact: