ILO: Future of Work Issue Briefs (4 April 2018, Geneva)

Posted by the ILO – On April 4th, 2018


Future of Work Issue Briefs

The establishment of the Global Commission on the Future of Work in August 2017 marked the start of the second phase of ILO’s Future of Work Centenary initiative. The six thematic clusters which are listed below focus on the main issues that need to be considered if the future of work is to be one that provides security, equality and prosperity. A series of Issue Briefs are prepared under each of the clusters.


Cluster 1: The role of work for individuals and society


Cluster 2: Bringing an end to pervasive global women’s inequality in the workplace


Cluster 3: Technology for social, environmental and economic development


Cluster 4: Managing change during every phase of education


Cluster 5: New approaches to growth and development


Cluster 6: The future governance of work


This release is also available in the news section at the website of the ILO:–en/index.htm