Proteger a las mujeres del abuso en el lugar de trabajo (27 Julio 2018, Ginebra)

(ICMC works with migrant women, such as these Rohingya refugees in Malaysia, to prevent and address gender-based violence)



Posted by the ICMC – On July 25th, 2018


Protecting Women from Abuse in the Workplace

Women worldwide face the risk of abuse and harassment in the workplace, and businesses, governments and civil society are responsible for providing discrimination-free work environments. Gender-based violence, along with sustainable development, were two main topics discussed during the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) annual conference.

In a statement to the 107th International Labour Conference, the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) advocated for the adoption of international frameworks strongly oriented towards tackling gender-based violence in the workplace.

The statement calls for the equal treatment of men and women, with an emphasis on the protection of vulnerable female migrant workers in the informal sector.

The ICMC underlines the role of employers and governments in promoting a safe work environment and in collaborating with civil society to eliminate gender-based violence. Employers should assess their value chain to exclude the risk of discrimination, and governments should support programs to halt violence against women and men. Vulnerable workers should be at the center of the discussion on sustainable development policies and work environments free of violence and discrimination.

The ICMC also took the opportunity to present “The Future of Work, Labour after Laudato Sì,” a collaborative proposal that brings together international and local stakeholders and religious organizations focused on contributing to the ILO’s Centenary and the Future of Work Initiative. This project focuses on the future of employment in relation to the environment, social justice, migration and technology.

ICMC’s statement is founded on years of work with migrants and local populations victims or at risk of gender-based violence and discrimination in Malaysia, Pakistan and Jordan, as well as on its role as primary coordinator for “The Future of Work, Labour after Laudato Sì” global project.


This release is also available in the news section at the website of the ICMC: