Follow the event “Reshaping the Future of Work in the midst of Digitalization, Precarity and Unemployment; Action and Commitment of Young Workers” (9 August 2018, Bandung)


Reshaping the Future of Work in the midst of Digitalization, Precarity and Unemployment: Action and Commitment of Young Workers

The International Young Christian Workers (JOCI-IYCW), in collaboration with the International Catholic Organizations under the program “The Future of Work, Labour after Laudato Si” are organizing an International Exchange and Seminar to be held in Bandung, Indonesia this coming August 12-22, 2018. The theme of the gathering is “Reshaping the Future of Work in the midst of Digitalization, Precarity and Unemployment: Action and Commitment of Young Workers”.

Aside from the main discussion we will have, pressing issues such as ecological changes, migration, gender, robotisation and social media will be discussed too. JOCI-IYCW believes that grass-root experiences will contribute to the deepening of their analysis and discussion and further more to generate action together.

Objectives and Expected Outputs of the event:

  • A common vision on the future of work to be developed, taking into account values discovered in Laudato Si and through interreligious dialogue, starting from a common analysis about the current world of work
  • A deeper analysis on the current world of work and its development, especially on the topics of digitalization, ecological changes, precarity and unemployment
  • This analysis being developed mainly by actors learning from each other and the other’s organization’s focus/expertise
  • Local actions and projects from grassroots organizations to be strengthened by exchanging and reflecting on these actions collectively.