Reshaping the Future of Work in the midst of Digitalization, Precarity and Unemployment: Action and Commitment of Young Workers (15 August 2018, Bandung)

Posted by the International Young Christian Workers – On August 15th, 2018


Reshaping the Future of Work in the midst of Digitalization, Precarity and Unemployment: Action and Commitment of Young Workers

The International Young Christian Workers is about to open an International Exchange and Seminar together with the Future of Work Network in Bandung, Indonesia this coming August 12-24, 2018.

We welcome all our delegates from national movements of YCW from Latin America, Africa, Europe and Asia-Pacific, as well as delegates and guests from our network the like of Justice and Peace-Germany, International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), International Movement of Catholic Agricultural and Rural Young (MIJARC), International Coordination of Young Christian Workers (ICYCW), International Movement of Christian Workers (MMTC), World Solidarity and many others.

The International Seminar 2018 in Bandung is a dynamic activity to exchange the reality on the life and work of young workers, our culture and our action.  By coming together we are writing the history of young workers in the context of World of Work (wow) and by then we are putting a stone-mark of vision of the Future of Work (fow).

As many young workers are facing many challenges in the world of work today experiencing insecurity and inequality, the lack of decent jobs and social protection, and as technology replaces human workers, the activity is a timely event to deepen the analysis and see its cause and its consequences. Millions of people are being displaced from their homes due to war, migration seeking employment to other cities and countries. Young people face gender imbalance and discrimination.

We have invited speakers who can support us in our discussion like the International Labor Organization-Indonesia, International Trade Union Confederation of Asia, and Centre for Trade Union and Human Rights-Philippines, representative from Muslim religious community and from the Catholic Church.

Our big thanks to YCW Indonesia and IYCW-Asia Pacific Team for hosting the event and we express once again our warmest welcome to all our beloved guests and delegates.


This release is also available in the news section at the website of the JOCI-IYCW: