Past and Future Events
5th June 2020
Traducir: Webinar: Economía Social frente a la crisis. Experiencias latinoamericanas Información sobre la presentación del Webinar Organizadores: este webinar es organizado por la iniciativa global “El futuro del trabajo, el trabajo después de la Laudato Si’” (FOWLS […]
2nd June 2020
Life and Work after Pandemic: The Road to Recovery Information on the Webinar presentation Organizers: The Future of Work, Labour after Laudato Si (FOWLS) – Leadership and Capacity Building Program of the CIOs. Target Audience: Catholic Inspired Organizations, faith-based organizations, […]
11th May 2020
Webinar: Responding to COVID-19 Information on the Webinar presentation Organizers: This webinar is organized by The Future of Work, Labour after Laudato Si (FOWLS) global initiative and the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC). Caritas Asia is supporting the event. […]
13th February 2020
CIOs gathered to discuss GVCs and promoting ideas inspired by CST In November of 2018, the Catholic Inspired Organizations (CIOs) network convened and identified two topic areas for special attention from the network in Brussels, Belgium. For over a year, […]
5th November 2019
Translate: UNIAPAC: General Assembly and International Seminar on education, work, technological change and new business models La próxima Asamblea General de UNIAPAC se llevará a cabo el 2 de diciembre de 2019 en Bilbao, España. Os animamos a que reservéis la fecha para asistir a este importante evento para nuestra red. Agenda of the General Assembly Junto a la Asamblea General, se organizarán varias actividades: El lunes […]
28th October 2019
Translate: Vital pasar de una sociedad económica a una economía social: Especialistas en IBERO Puebla La universidad jesuita, en colaboración con la coordinación general de la Comisión Católica Internacional de Migración (CICM, por sus siglas en inglés), presentaron la junta especializada en el marco de la investigación El futuro del trabajo después de la Laudato Si’. 23/Oct/2019 11:18 Representantes de la IBERO Puebla y la CICM participaron en la ceremonia inaugural del Seminario que pretende traer a discusión la situación actual en materia económica y laboral. La bienvenida al evento fue encabezada por el Mtro. Mario Ernesto Patrón Sánchez, rector de la Universidad, así como la Dra. Lilia Vélez Iglesias, directora general Académica. En su mensaje, el Mtro. Patrón señaló la ausencia de oportunidades de futuro para las juventudes en nuestro país. “Para nosotros, el trabajo puede constituir una oportunidad para la paz y la justicia social. Vivimos en un […]
26th September 2019
A New Reality for Tomorrow’s Young Workers During the week of the 14th to the 23rd of August 2018, the International Youth Christian Workers (IYCW-JOCI) hosted a seminar in Bandung, Indonesia including organizations from around the globe. The seminar focused on young workers and their vision for the future of work in a world where technological, environmental, and societal changes are rapidly occurring. Organizations in attendance included the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), the International Coordination of Young Christian Workers (ICYCW-CIJOC), Justitia et Pax Germany, […]
29th July 2019
Conference on Invisible Work at the University of Fribourg One-hundred years after its formation, the International Labour Organization (ILO) is celebrating its centenary through conferences and debates held around the world. The universities of Fribourg and of Geneva are contributing to these […]
26th July 2019
Caritas Internationalis Consultation Meeting on Decent Work More than thirty representatives gathered at a consultation in March 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland, to meet and discuss the different practices of “decent work” done by the attending Caritas Internationalis Member Organizations (CIMOs). These representatives came from nearly every continent, including but not limited to Ukraine, Nepal, Lebanon, Brazil, Ghana, and Samoa. They were joined by members from the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), “The Future of Work, Labour after Laudato Si” global project, and guest speakers from the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The […]
23rd July 2019
Catholic-Inspired Organizations at the ILO Centenary During the Centenary International Labor Conference (ILC) held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, a group of four Catholic Inspired Organizations (CIOs) took the floor during the ILC plenary session to speak […]
12th July 2019
Meet the Authors’ – Talk and reception with Experts of Labour Affairs On June 19th in Geneva, Switzerland, various authors focused on the future of work met during the occasion of the Centenary celebration of the International Labour Organization (ILO). This gathering, consisting of […]
3rd June 2019
Translate: Publié par le CERAS – 22 Mai 2019 Plaidoyer pour un travail juste et solidaire Rêver collectivement le futur du travail comme partie intégrante de la transition écologique : depuis deux ans, un groupe international d’acteurs […]