News about the Project

11th April 2022

Promoting dignity in the work environment (11 April 2022, Global)

Promoting dignity in the work environment At the General Curia, Jesuits come from all walks of life. The communications team seeks to “track down” Jesuits who work in uncommon spheres and who, through their testimony, can provide an image of […]
9th November 2021

Catholic-inspired organizations at the 109th Session of the ILC (10 November 2021, Global)

Catholic-inspired organizations at the 109th Session of the ILC The International Labour Organization (ILO) was established in 1919 and is a United Nations agency bringing together governments, employers, and workers from 187 member States to jointly set international labour standards […]
19th October 2021

Work and care (19 October 2021, Global)

Translate:   Este artículo presenta una reflexión sobre los orígenes de la Fase 1 del Proyecto FOWLS y sobre el significado de “cuidado es trabajo, trabajo es cuidado”, y fue escrito por un miembro del Proyecto FOWLS.   Trabajar y […]
29th June 2021

No One Is Saved Alone: ICMC Calls for Inclusive Global Recovery Measures That Respond to Migrants’ and Refugees’ Needs (29 June 2021, Global)

No One Is Saved Alone: ICMC Calls for Inclusive Global Recovery Measures That Respond to Migrants’ and Refugees’ Needs ICMC’s statement at the 109th International Labour Conference identifies access to healthcare, vaccines, decent work and fundamental rights as the key […]
23rd June 2021

Pope to ILO: ‘Urgent need for economic reform and protection of all workers’ (23 June 2021, Global)

Pope to ILO: ‘Urgent need for economic reform and protection of all workers’ Marking 109 years since the founding of the International Labour Organisation, Pope Francis sends a video message in which he stresses the importance of the rights of […]
3rd June 2021

Work is Care, because it is the most significant human activity (4 June 2021, Global)

Translate:   “Trabajo es Cuidado, porque es la actividad humana más significativa” Informe del programa internacional de la ICMC: “El Futuro del Trabajo. Labor después de Laudato Si”   “Si el trabajo es el principal organizador social, el desempleo es […]
12th May 2021

The future of work is caring (12 May 2021, Global)

Translate:   El futuro del trabajo es cuidado Si el trabajo es el principal organizador social, el desempleo es el principal desestabilizador. Hoy, más de la mitad de la población mundial activa trabaja desorganizadamente. Sin embargo, hay futuro, pero solo […]
3rd May 2021

Now online: Care is work, work is care (4 May 2021, Global)

Care is work, work is care This Report presents the consolidated results of the research undertaken by “The Future of Work – Labour after Laudato si’” Project. Will there be work for everyone? Will it be decent and respectful of human […]
22nd February 2021

Now online: “Multiplicación del trabajo y nuevos retos para la justicia social.” Estudios desde la iniciativa ‘El futuro del trabajo después de la Laudato Si’ (22 February 2021, Global)

Translate:   “Multiplicación del trabajo y nuevos retos para la justicia social.” Estudios desde la iniciativa ‘El futuro del trabajo después de la Laudato Si’ El libro “Multiplicación del trabajo y nuevos retos para la justicia social. Estudios desde la iniciativa […]
18th January 2021

Global Initiative Launches Conclusions on How To Achieve a More Just Labor Market (17 January 2021, Global)

Global Initiative Launches Conclusions on How To Achieve a More Just Labor Market Catholic-inspired organizations seeking to implement Pope Francis’ Laudato Sì vision in the world of work recently concluded a three-year series of research projects. They presented their main findings and […]
12th January 2021

New Books Tell Migrant Workers’ Stories, Outline Person-Centered Responses To Labor Migration (12 January 2021, Global)

New Books Tell Migrant Workers’ Stories, Outline Person-Centered Responses To Labor Migration The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) is publishing two books with research findings on migrant workers’ experiences, testimonies from migrant workers themselves, and examples of person-centered responses to […]
29th December 2020

Global project on the future of work launched with online event (29 December 2020, Global)

Global project on the future of work launched with online event The conclusions of a global project, “The Future of Work – Labour after Laudato Sì” are launched on Tuesday with a webinar. By Lydia O’Kane The online event entitled, […]