Related News on Labour Issues
22nd January 2021
Cardinal Czerny: ‘Fratelli tutti’ shows path for proper treatment of migrants In a blog post for the Catholic Migration Commission, Cardinal Michael Czerny describes the importance of ‘Fratelli tutti’ as applied to the plight of migrants and refugees. By Francesca […]
29th September 2020
Pope to UN: Rethink the future of our common home Pope Francis calls for reforms, multilateralism, cooperation and respect for human dignity in his video message to the 75th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. By Fr. […]
5th August 2020
Translate: Necesario replantear condiciones de trabajo mundial: Foro Ibero Expertos coincidieron en la necesidad de fomentar la economía social en el mundo de cara al COVID-19 La Ibero Puebla, a través del Laboratorio de Innovación Económica y Social (LAINES), […]
16th July 2020
A Common Journey for Social Justice: 1919-2019 The Holy See and the International Labour Organization Descrizione Labour is “the essential key to the whole social question and is the condition not only for economic development but also for the cultural […]
26th May 2020
Laudato Si’ Week: 5 years since Pope Francis’ encyclical on integral ecology As the Church marks Laudato Si’ Week ahead of the 5th anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical on 24 May, we explore some of the themes running through “On […]
5th May 2020
Pope at Mass: May no one be without work, dignity, a just wage Pope Francis offered his Mass on Friday for all workers as the Church celebrates the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, and reflects on the importance of […]
3rd February 2020
Insufficient paid work affects almost half a billion people, new ILO report shows A lack of decent work combined with rising unemployment and persisting inequality is making it increasingly difficult for people to build better lives through their work, according to the latest edition of the ILO’s global report on employment and social trends. GENEVA (ILO News) – Almost half a billion people are working fewer paid hours than they would like or lack adequate access to paid work, according to a new International Labour Organization (ILO) report. In addition, the World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends […]
10th December 2019
An Ecological Reading of the Synod for the Pan-Amazon Region By: Guillermo Kerber * The Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region, held in Rome from October 6 to 27, 2019, has had media impact mainly due to two proposals: the ordination of married men and the expansion of ministries (including diaconate) to incorporate women. The first proposal is, according to the final document, “to establish criteria and dispositions […]
5th November 2019
Translate: UNIAPAC: General Assembly and International Seminar on education, work, technological change and new business models La próxima Asamblea General de UNIAPAC se llevará a cabo el 2 de diciembre de 2019 en Bilbao, España. Os animamos a que reservéis la fecha para asistir a este importante evento para nuestra red. Agenda of the General Assembly Junto a la Asamblea General, se organizarán varias actividades: El lunes […]
10th September 2019
Filipino workers spend decades caring for Israeli families. Now they risk deportation for having children. Beth Franco kissed the ground when she arrived at Israel’s Ben Gurion airport in 1999. Though she never imagined she would be in the land where Jesus had once walked, she was eager to start this new chapter of her life. Back then, the beach city of Tel Aviv reminded her of Manila, in her native Philippines, but she has seen the skyline grow into jagged peaks as skyscrapers have shot up over the last two decades; and Ms. Franco has now lived almost half her 45 years in Israel. Like many Filipinos who move to Israel, […]
6th September 2019
On the Hundredth Year of the United States Bishops’ Program of Social Reconstruction Most Reverend Frank J. Dewane Bishop of Venice Chairman of the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development United States Conference of Catholic Bishops September 2, 2019 In the Gospel for this Labor Day, Jesus proclaims in the synagogue the words of Isaiah: that he, like the prophet, has […]
28th August 2019
Work as enterprise: recovering a theology of work In this text, Dr. Richard Turnbull, looks to the many theological questions surrounding the world of work, such as just what the term “work” encompasses to Christians, since it cannot simply be restricted to paid employment. He goes through […]