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12th July 2019
Meet the Authors’ – Talk and reception with Experts of Labour Affairs On June 19th in Geneva, Switzerland, various authors focused on the future of work met during the occasion of the Centenary celebration of the International Labour Organization (ILO). This gathering, consisting of […]
28th June 2019
Translate: Organizaciones de inspiración católica claman en Ginebra por un trabajo más decente Realizan dos importantes aportaciones a los diálogos: propuestas para abordar la actual crisis mundial y claves para acabar con la violencia y el acoso en el mundo laboral. La integración de los requisitos de la transición ecológica y social en todos los niveles o la extensión de la protección social, entre sus planteamientos. 19.06.2019 (Abraham Canales, HOAC).- Las organizaciones de inspiración católica (OIC) que participan en la reunión centenaria de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), han realizado dos aportaciones a los diálogos: la declaración Una propuesta para ampliar el programa de trabajo decente y abordar la actual crisis mundial. […]
27th June 2019
Addressing the Challenges of the Future of Work Between the 22nd and 24th of November 2018, UNIAPAC held its 28th World Congress on how to achieve the goals of “promoting business as a noble vocation, seeking the personal transformation of the business leader, building a more humane organizational culture, and businesses serving the common good”. This international group of Christian business leaders seek to transform how work is seen and done so that the […]
26th June 2019
Posted by Thinking Faith – On June 20th, 2019 Building the future of work together 2019 is the centenary year of the International Labour Organization. At the International Labour Conference that is taking place this week, delegates from around the world are celebrating that anniversary and seeking solutions to the challenges of the future of the world of work. What are those challenges and how is the ILO uniquely placed to address them? In an article that first appeared in the social […]
25th June 2019
Posted by the International Catholic Migration Commission – On June 18th, 2019 ICMC Outlines “The Future We Want for the World of Work” Geneva, 18 June 2019 – A 14 June ICMC statement to the 108th Session of the International Labor Conference in […]
20th June 2019
Message of the Holy Father to the Centenary International Labour Conference His Eminence Cardinal Peter Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, took the floor during the 108th Centenary Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) held in Geneva, Switzerland. Pope […]
12th June 2019
A proposal to extend the Decent Work Agenda and address the current global crisis This declaration aims at providing a set of concrete proposals to help shape the “future we want” for the world of work. It addresses conditions which […]
3rd June 2019
Translate: Publié par le CERAS – 22 Mai 2019 Plaidoyer pour un travail juste et solidaire Rêver collectivement le futur du travail comme partie intégrante de la transition écologique : depuis deux ans, un groupe international d’acteurs […]
31st May 2019
Translate: Francisco: “Hay que decir no a una economía depredadora, que convierte al trabajador en esclavo” Monseñor Duffé: “Vengo de compartir, de gritar y de rezar con la gente la pena y la indignación provocada por el extractivismo […]
29th May 2019
Translate: Trabajo digno, social, duradero PáginaI12 en Francia Desde París Más que cualquier otro parámetro de la realidad humana, el trabajo es la clave que define el futuro de los seres humanos. Y ese futuro es incierto. “El […]
24th May 2019
Translate: La Iglesia católica y la Organización internacional del Trabajo apuestan por un trabajo “decente, seguro e inclusivo” Vandana Shiva denuncia a las grandes multinacionales agroalimentarias: “Monsanto y otras dos grandes multinacionales tienen el control total de nuestra […]
14th May 2019
Seminar: Leadership, Education and Innovation at the service of Integral Human Development. Challenges of the future of work An international seminar is organized in Brazil to discuss about the future of work with business leaders, within the framework of “The […]